Monday 26 March 2012

In this modern world of constant improvements we seem to forget about our health, our bodies and our diet. We consume junk food daily due to pressurised work lated stress. I believe the goverment should invest in health bars, selling salads, home made sandwiches, water drinks, fruits plus a 10 min walk a day to the shop will do you a world of good. Excersie does not have to be a sacrifice, getting 10 minutes fresh air will help improve your blood flow, circulation and stimulated your muslces and joints. 10 minutes is not to much time to recharge your batteries. Work places should offer this extra 10 minutes time for healthy living active nation. Remember slow walking is not good, a brisk walk increase your oxygen intake, transporting oxygen to your internal organs through blood stream helping your increase breathing helping your heart. Massage is a great therapy to reduce stress, calming the nervous system, soothing aches and pains and tired muscles. Most important you need to take care. Your body is important love your body and enjoy healthy living.

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